Advanced House Repair Privacy Policy


We are committed to respecting your privacy while we are providing the highest possible quality service. We recognize your need to know that your personal data is being lawfully processed and held in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Personal data is any information that relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data and so covers the information you may provide to us.


We provide you with the information set out in this Privacy Policy so that if you share your personal data with us you are aware of what we do with it.

Data Controller

Advanced House Repair, llc is the data controller of your personal data and we will only collect information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our contact details are listed on this web site.

Use of Personal Data

We use the information that you personally provide to:

  • Improve the information and support we provide
  • Process any requests you make
  • Provide you with information about products and services we offer
  • Conduct our own internal marketing research

Sensitive Information

We will never collect sensitive information about you without your express consent.

Third Parties use of your Personal Data

We will NEVER sell or share your personal data with others.


We also collect information automatically about your visit to our site. The information obtained in this way, which includes demographic data and browsing patterns, is only used in aggregate form, and as such cannot be used to identify you personally. Such aggregate information helps us to audit usage of our web site and improve the service provided.

We use Google Analytics to track your response to our use of cookies when you first visit our site. No personal data is tracked.

We will use a background method to help us track email that is sent from our site to registered users and people who have opted in to our mailing list. This is to help us improve our service and to ensure that we are providing relevant information. No personal data is tracked, only analytical data.


We are committed to ensuring the security of your personal data. In order to prevent unauthorized access to, or disclosure of your personal data we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.


Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted here.


Cookies are small parcels of data stored temporarily on YOUR hard drive while you are browsing a website. These are a standard mechanism used by most websites. By continuing to use this website with cookies enabled, you consent to our use of cookies.

Our website employs cookies only to provide us with general information about how our website is used. However, no personal information that would enable us to identify individuals is either obtained or stored in these cookies.

Cookies are often used to track a user’s browsing history for the purpose of targeted advertising. This website does not set any cookies of this type.

We use a third party service provided by Google Analytics to provide us with further general information about the performance of this website. The data collected by Google is aggregated to show general trends and does not identify individual users. From time to time, we may also use other third party services such as Facebook, Twitter and other social media, the presence of which will be readily apparent from their on-screen icons. In each case, any cookies set by the providers of these services are set by them directly. They are not set by this website and we have no control over them. Please refer to these service’s own privacy policies if you wish to check how they use cookies.

Should you wish to disable cookies, please refer to your browser’s Help function. Please note, however, that many websites will not run correctly with cookies disabled, especially ones that require you to log in or that offer any form of checkout or booking process, as cookies are usually needed to keep track of individual transactions.

Communication Preferences

Our website offers a mailing list for users who opt in to receive updates, news, and promotional content. Users can unsubscribe at any time to stop receiving these communications. Additionally, our system sends mandatory messages to active users for essential functions like password changes and account management. These system-generated messages are a part of our service to maintain account security and cannot be opted out of while maintaining an active account. Users have the ability to remove their account from our web site at any time.

What we save

Tracking cooke

  • We use a third party service provided by Google Analytics to provide us with further general information about the performance of this website. The data collected by Google is aggregated to show general trends and does not identify individual users.
  • We track your response to our use of cookies when you first visit our site. No personal data is tracked.
  • We use other tracking cookies to know if you have visited our site before, or have registered for our Mailing List

Mailing List

  • A user can optionally join our mailing list in order to receipve periodic updates about Abby Granlove. The user will provide an email address, Name, and optionally a comment on how they found our site. This information will only be stored an used for the purpose of sending a mailing list. Users can opt out of this service at any time.
  • A user will receive a verification email when joining the mailing list with the option of Verifying their email address by clicking a button on the email. This is to ensure that the user has provided a valid email address and that the user is the owner of the email address. We will store the IP Address of the user the verifies the email, and the date and time in order to track the user's consent to received email from our site. This information will ONLY be used for verification purposes.'
  • Your information is stored in a secure database.

User Login

  • A user can optionally join our Book Club by creating a login on the site. The user will provide an email address, Name, password. This information will only be stored with proper data protections and the password will never be stored, only a hash of the password is preserved and only used for other validations.
  • Your information is stored in a secure database.

User Profile Data

  • Users can download the data we store, or completely remove it from our system, by going to "Manage User Profile" and then select "Personal data" from the menu.
  • This is also where a user goes to remove their login and remove all personal data from our system.